Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 12/25/24

Year: 2024


The Journal of New Approaches in Education aims to disseminate information that guides practices in preschool, primary school, secondary school, high school, higher education, and vocational school. The Journal of New Approaches in Education aims to publish current research, theory, and practices in education. The Journal of New Approaches in Education hopes researchers, academics, educators, master's, and doctoral students to submit articles that will contribute to the education of pre-service or in-service teachers and other professionals in the field, from pre-school to higher education. The Journal of New Approaches in Education aims to present current and innovative research articles, reviews, and compilations related to education in general. Articles published in the Journal of New Approaches in Education are expected to raise issues related to education in various fields, initiate discussions on these issues, address these problems, or solve related problems. It is also expected that the studies published in the Journal of New Approaches in Education will form the basis for current discussions on various fields of education and guide innovative research and practices.

The Journal of New Approaches in Education covers all academic studies related to education. Article topics accepted by the Journal of New Approaches in Education are listed below but are not limited to them.

  • Physical Education and Sports Teaching
  • Computer and Instructional Technologies
  • Biology Education
  • Geography Education
  • Values ​​education
  • Democracy and Human Rights Education
  • Educational Sciences
  • History of Education
  • Educational Management, Supervision, and Planning
  • Drama in Education
  • Science Education
  • Physics Education
  • Chemistry Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Vocational and Technical Education
  • Music Education
  • Preschool Education
  • Special education
  • Psychological Counseling and Guidance
  • Fine Arts Education
  • Health Education
  • Primary Education
  • Social Studies Education
  • History Education
  • Turkish Language and Literature Education
  • Citizenship Education
  • Foreign language education
  • Lifelong Learning and Adult Education

The articles to be sent to the Journal of New Approaches in Education must be written in new versions of MS Word. The graphics used in the text should be sent in a graphic format that can be opened in a Windows computers, and the photographs should be sent in photo format.

Articles submitted for publication must be between 3500-8000 words, excluding abstract, bibliography and extended summary. A total of 4 files must be uploaded to the system. The files are:

1. Anonymous article manuscript
2. Author information form
3. Turnitin or iThenticate similarity report showing that the similarity rate is at most 20% excluding references.
4. Ethics committee permission or declaration form stating that ethical permission is not required



NOTE: If the ethics committee permission in question is not required, the author can upload the Declaration Form Concerning No Need for Board Permission to the ethics committee permission section requested in the article submission.

The publication process of the Journal of New Approaches in Education is carried out in an objective and unbiased manner, in accordance with the scientific method. In this direction, it is aimed at producing, developing, and sharing scientific knowledge. To achieve this goal, all stakeholders (publisher, editors, reviewers, authors, readers, etc.) must comply with standards for ethical principles. A double-blind peer review policy is implemented to ensure impartiality. The Journal of New Approaches in Education is a non-profit journal aimed at the public interest. It provides free and open access electronically on the journal's website.

The Journal of New Approaches in Education attaches high importance to the open access guidelines and policies of the Committee on Publication Ethics, such as the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors." The Journal of New Approaches in Education carefully follows the basic practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in the context of ethics (authorship and contributorship; "conflict of interest" and "journal management"). The journal carefully monitors the resources provided by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) in order to achieve international ethical standards.

The ethical responsibilities of The Journal of New Approaches in Education, the journal editor, reviewers, researchers, and authors are explained in detail below:

Ethical Responsibilities of the Journal of New Approaches in Education

The editors of the Journal of New Approaches in Education meticulously examine the compliance of submitted studies with ethical principles. They take drastic measures to detect and prevent the publication of articles in which research abuse occurs, so that they do not encourage or knowingly allow such abuse to occur. If the editors of the Journal of New Approaches in Education detect violations of ethical principles (such as the manipulation of the data used or the use of fabricated data), this situation is reported to the institution where the article author works, and the article is not accepted for publication. The Journal of New Approaches in Education and its editors are always ready to issue corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies as needed.

Authors have the right to request retraction, refutation, or correction of articles at any time before publication. However, they can request the retraction or correction of their article within five days after it has been published in an issue.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors, Assistant Editors, and Field Editors

The editors and assistant editors of the Journal of New Approaches in Education are responsible for everything published in the journal, including choosing the articles to be published in the journal. The editorial board and/or field editors of the journal guide the editor while making these choices, and the editor also takes into account the journal's publication policies in this process. In the selection of the articles to be published, the editor or assistant editors make evaluations according to their intellectual content, regardless of the gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, and political values of the author.  Editors and assistant editors of the Journal of New Approaches in Education never discriminate against authors, editors, or reviewers based on personal characteristics or identities. Rather, it embraces diversity and promotes equality at all stages of evaluation and publication. Editors and assistant editors of the Journal of New Approaches in Education adopt the principle of meeting the information needs of the journal stakeholders, giving feedback when necessary, and acting in accordance with the principles of openness on issues that require correction and/or clarification during the publication process. The journal's editorial board prepares the necessary information and explanations for the authors. Updates them when necessary. Editors do not share personal information regarding the application.

As can be understood from the statements mentioned above, the editors and assistant editors of the Journal of New Approaches in Education meticulously comply with the conflict of interest, objectivity, confidentiality, and other issues determined in COPE.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

The referees who are requested to review/evaluate the work assigned to them by the editors and assistant editors of the Journal of New Approaches in Education may refuse to act as referees if they do not find the work assigned to them relevant to their field, do not find themselves competent to criticize, or cannot present a timely evaluation. The referees will evaluate the articles as confidential files. For this reason, referees should not show the articles to anyone other than authorized people and should not discuss the articles. Information and ideas obtained during the arbitration process should not be used for personal gain.

Refereeing should be done in an objective, fair, and scientific manner. Reviewers should not criticize the authors personally and should avoid derogatory personal comments such as slander and insults. Reviewers should evaluate works regardless of the origin, gender, or political philosophy of the authors. Reviewers should also ensure a fair, blind peer review process for the review of manuscripts submitted to the journal. During the peer-review process, if the reviewers notice a great deal of similarity or overlap between the article they are evaluating and another article, they should immediately notify the editors. Reviewers should not evaluate papers where they know or guess the author or where there are conflicts of interest that may arise due to competition, cooperation, or any other relationship or connection between them. During the peer-review process, the referees should assist the editor in editing and/or publishing the articles and should also assist the authors in order to increase the quality of the article.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Articles sent to the Journal of New Approaches in Education must be original. The articles must not have been previously published in another journal or submitted for evaluation in another journal. Submitting the same study to more than one journal at the same time is unethical and unacceptable. It is extremely important for the authors to pay attention to these issues. Authors who submit articles to the Journal of New Approaches in Education are deemed to have committed the above issues. The data used in the study should be presented meticulously in the study. A study should contain sufficient detail and source information. Fraudulent and deliberate false statements are unacceptable, as they may lead to unethical situations. In addition, authors must strictly comply with the writing rules of the journal. The authors should meticulously make the changes requested by the referee, assistant editors, language editor, or editor-in-chief. Additional documents requested by the editor or referees should be uploaded to the system. In cases where the requested changes are not made within the given time period, the articles will be returned to the author without being re-evaluated.

Authors may be asked to provide relevant data that may be needed during evaluation in connection with their work, so they should be prepared to provide access to this data and retain it for a reasonable period of time following publication of their work.

Authors should prove with documentation that their work is original and conforms to ethical standards. In this context, authors should make direct or indirect citations according to APA standards and add the references to the bibliography section. In addition, authors should prove with a Turnitin or Identicate report that the similarity rate of their work is below 20% while uploading their work to the system.

Authors submitting a study to the Journal of New Approaches in Education should list the authors based on the authors' contribution rate. In addition, the authors are obliged to declare that there is no conflict of interest among themselves. The responsible authors or the order of the authors cannot be changed for articles whose evaluation process has been completed.

In addition to the matters mentioned above, authors who submit articles to the Journal of New Approaches in Education are deemed to have committed to the ethical principles summarized/listed below.The ethical principles that authors must comply with are:

  • Articles uploaded to the Journal of New Approaches in Education for evaluation through the Dergipark system have not been published in another journal or sent for evaluation.
  • All sources included and used in the uploaded articles are cited in accordance with scientific research methods and ethical principles.
  • Authors are listed in order of their contribution.
  • The author(s)'s works are original and the similarity rate is below 20%.
  • All sources included and used in the uploaded articles must be cited in line with scientific research methods and ethical principles.
  • It is necessary to list authors according to their contribution rate.
  • The works of the authors must be original, and the similarity rate must be below 20%.
  • There mustn’t be an ethical violation regarding the participants used in the study, and ethical permissions must be obtained in accordance with the "Higher Education Institution Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive" and the ethical report must be uploaded to the system.
  • In articles that do not require an ethical report, the authors undertake to sign and upload the document showing that their work does not require an ethical report.
  • Authors are responsible for the opinions and suggestions they present.
  • If the submitted work is an article produced from the thesis or a paper presented at the conference before, the author should inform the journal editors.
  • The Journal of New Approaches in Education has no responsibility for claims or lawsuits to be filed by third parties due to copyright, and the responsibility belongs entirely to the authors.

All processes regarding submission and publication in the Journal of New Approaches in Education are free of charge.